The name of our company, GRAY MATTER INC., is inspired by the "GRAY MATTER" series of advertisements by United Technology Corporation, which gained significant attention in the Wall Street Journal under the theme “The Heart of America.”
The core philosophy of GRAY MATTER INC. is to act as the advertising and publicity department for our client companies, building upon a close and trustworthy relationship. To effectively function as an extension of the client's advertising department, we maintain a streamlined organization, supported by highly capable staff and a network of professionals within close reach. This structure avoids unnecessary cost increases associated with maintaining an extensive in-house team and prevents the company from losing focus on its role as a dedicated advertising department for its clients. Our ideal is a team structure where every staff member has a general understanding of each project and can step in as needed.
We pride ourselves on delivering unique and inspiring ideas with a smooth, stress-free journey from start to finish. Our mission is to make the process effortless for our clients, offering a truly hands-off experience.